Thursday, July 24, 2008

something wicked this way comes

i I really dig my backyard. I have taken to waking up from nitemares at 3 or 4 in the morning and walking outside in my barefeet, loving the grass between my toes and tickling my leathery soles. A reminder that I need to moisturize that skin on the bottom of my feet more often…like working oil into a baseball mitt. Hell I need to take care of my feet more often in general.

But this is about waking up from bad dreams in the middle of the nite and going outside to sit at the picnic table, smoke cigarettes, stare at the moon over the skyline, stare at my thoughts, have that uncomfortable emotion stomach freak out feeling after an unsettling psychological experience...all in my barefeet.

So, I wonder if I freak the other tenants at the house out…if they were to wake up from some disturbance in the heron mental dreamworld house, want to come out for a smoke and then ‘HHHHUUU….(a heart freezing, breath stopping, didn’t expect to see the guy from upstairs sitting out on the picnic table smoking) JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU SCARED ME,…
I’m not trying to scare anyone…I’m just having bad dreams lately

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