Wednesday, July 16, 2008


even the USA Today admits that 'yessir things are really bad' close are we to collapse? Are we in a Soviet styled meltdown ballpark or is it more of a great depression breadline and torn and frayed harbor coats and sad faces scenario? Or is is something altogether unprecedented? As empires falling goes will we outdo Rome?

It is hot, and concrete and heat make for a shortfuse on the temper. It really is unbelievable what the last 3 months have consisted of and that I am here typing this...a move back home, a night in jail, personal economic disaster looming, suicidal thoughts, a major change in lifestyle, giving up a crutch/addiction cold turkey, a day in court, sleepless nites, a wedding, a major flood, losing the keys to the apartment...etc.

some things i need to be honest about>
i'm not giving enough effort to make things better...i am enjoying the attention i get by wallowing.

despite everything i have said, i am really disappointed in the new spiritualized record. after five years of waiting i wanted to like it so bad, but it just isn't living up to my expectations and it's not the records fault.

that some of the bad things that have happened recently are actually good for me, hard lessons and if i have a shred of dignity i will try to learn from them

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