Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Coming Clean

Dennis slid the starched collar stiff shower curtain and stepped into the mildew-ridden, crooked plastic shower. The refrigerator boxed shower sat in the back of his mother’s trailer in the far end of Carmel Pines RV and trailer park.

The soap scum that had formed around the faucet handles made it difficult to start the water and Dennis had to lean into it for the lukewarm trickle that emerged from the rust and iron encrusted shower head. .

The lack of water pressure barely washed the vomit that had caked to Dennis’s whiskers like dried Parmesian cheese on a spaghetti dinner plate. He examined the grime underneath his fingernails and dug them into the sliver like bar of Kirk’s Castille soap in hopes of excavating the blackened compost gathered there. He knew it would take a firehose to blast all of the filth from him. Possibly a baptism.

A Baptism, like the ones that bucktoothed Reverend Jonah Green and his born again followers would do down at the old Clompers Gravel pit that had been made into a pond.

Old Jonah’s acolytes in the pond-water brown robes that had once been pearly white, wading out in muck and sea-weed to have Jonah place his twig like fingers on their heads and submerge them in the stagnant water, full of duck-shit and bottom feeders. Whatever hex he placed on them, somehow they emerged from the silt and scum filled waters, baptized, born anew.

There was the time Dennis and Tommy Ostopovich sat on the far end of the pond, guzzling, crumpling and tossing aluminum Budweiser’s into the pond in a 1-2-3 motion, while Reverend Jonah performed his baptisms for his flock. Dennis heard the ‘tongues’ that Green spoke in and thought it sounded like orgasmic cooing…like the that Vicky girl he sometimes messed around with in her trailer at the other end of Carmel Pines.Vicky stood almost 5 feet tall. Her legs stunted in growth by a disease Dennis couldn’t pronounce. That morning he woke up in her bed, the sheets smelling of stale cigarettes and mountain dew. They smoked pot and she went down on him for what seemed hours, she finally gave up in exhaustion, Dennis unable to achieve rigidity. Dennis sauntered out of her trailer and staggered his way down the gravel lane that ran the length of the trailer park, He dazedly noticed that Mrs. Kellog was gone to work at her job as a clerk somewhere downtown, doing something with phones and pens and calculators.

Dennis climbed in through the back window of her empty trailer, prying it open with a crowbar he hid underneath Mrs. Kellog’s stairs. Inside he helped himself to two frozen sausage egg muffin sandwiches from her icebox. He sat at the green and gray speckled formica table and waited for the microwave to ding. He pulled the two greasy cakes from the microwave with a papertowel…the outer muffin too hot to touch and the grey meat inside nearly frozen in the middle.

Dennis ate them anyway, flipping through a three-week old issue of IN-Touch magazine that was on the kitchen table. Dennis couldn’t read very well, but he was taken with how clean the celebrities looked. How white their teeth were, how cascading and flaxen their hair.

The water trickled luke-warm over his shoulders, pock marked and acned, Dennis coughed in the shower, he knew that what had come next that day, no water could wash away. No, this was a stain on his soul.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lightning Strikes The Postman

I don't know what woke me up first; the rain or the bad dream. I suppose it doesn't matter so much. I was laying there, with a feeling of dread as the storm rolled in. The limbs of the trees wavering in the wind, casting shadows from the security light outside...the thunder and lightning...

Then, the loudest thunderclap I have ever heard, the brightest bolt of lightning I have ever seen and suddenly there were sparks shooting out of the light fixture in the bedroom.

I thought 'holy fuck, the house just got struck by lightning'...

I went outside to see if the house was on fire or something...there was the neighbor from downstairs and he reported the same thing had happened to his light fixture.

The power was still on, the lights all still worked...

Still, it felt like a warning letter.

Friday, July 25, 2008

distant early warning

you gotta squarsh it like a juice pig!
gol'daggit it's worse then a north dakota pine wibbler...
sucks more than a hudson bay barnacle...
burns hotter than a nicaraguan saw beetle crawlin up the 'rethra...

i wish i was a lumberjack and could yell things at the greenhorns with spittle flying through my broom bristle beard. holding an axe...and just yelling.

dental yard

i ate a donut yesterday. it sent shockwaves of tiny shards of pain throughout my teeth. i imagined my once solid enamal poked with little holes, like a car riddled with bullet holes, or a sugary jackhammer tearing up the pavement.

my mother implored me to always take care of my teeth. paying for regular dental visits when i was without insurance. now i look in the mirror and in addition to the various aches and shooting pains, my teeth a manilla envelope yellow...years of coffee and cigarettes and drunken late nite power brushing and my pearly whites are far from sparkly.

this must change. i must take better care of my teeth. i am a little freaked out by all of these whitening products that have flooded the market. there's some creepily carcinogenic about it (as if there isn't something blatantly carcinogenic about cigarettes). anyhow...my motto for the rest of the year. 'flossing is great in 2008'

i heard some say 'mexican poison' yesterday...i love words.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

something wicked this way comes

i I really dig my backyard. I have taken to waking up from nitemares at 3 or 4 in the morning and walking outside in my barefeet, loving the grass between my toes and tickling my leathery soles. A reminder that I need to moisturize that skin on the bottom of my feet more often…like working oil into a baseball mitt. Hell I need to take care of my feet more often in general.

But this is about waking up from bad dreams in the middle of the nite and going outside to sit at the picnic table, smoke cigarettes, stare at the moon over the skyline, stare at my thoughts, have that uncomfortable emotion stomach freak out feeling after an unsettling psychological experience...all in my barefeet.

So, I wonder if I freak the other tenants at the house out…if they were to wake up from some disturbance in the heron mental dreamworld house, want to come out for a smoke and then ‘HHHHUUU….(a heart freezing, breath stopping, didn’t expect to see the guy from upstairs sitting out on the picnic table smoking) JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU SCARED ME,…
I’m not trying to scare anyone…I’m just having bad dreams lately

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


even the USA Today admits that 'yessir things are really bad'...how close are we to collapse? Are we in a Soviet styled meltdown ballpark or is it more of a great depression breadline and torn and frayed harbor coats and sad faces scenario? Or is is something altogether unprecedented? As empires falling goes will we outdo Rome?

It is hot, and concrete and heat make for a shortfuse on the temper. It really is unbelievable what the last 3 months have consisted of and that I am here typing this...a move back home, a night in jail, personal economic disaster looming, suicidal thoughts, a major change in lifestyle, giving up a crutch/addiction cold turkey, a day in court, sleepless nites, a wedding, a major flood, losing the keys to the apartment...etc.

some things i need to be honest about>
i'm not giving enough effort to make things better...i am enjoying the attention i get by wallowing.

despite everything i have said, i am really disappointed in the new spiritualized record. after five years of waiting i wanted to like it so bad, but it just isn't living up to my expectations and it's not the records fault.

that some of the bad things that have happened recently are actually good for me, hard lessons and if i have a shred of dignity i will try to learn from them